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Capfish Lot 1

Field Reports with Target Identification, Activities Recommendations and Accessibility Benchmarking. Last update: 10 July 2023.

Exploring Tonle Sap Lake

"The Ecotourism Potential"

Pavilion/MAADS Report for OXFAM/CAPFISH


Explored Areas: Tonle Sap Basin Reserve, Zones 2 & 3 | April 2022-October 2023

Video Footage: Valentina Mimiyeva (Tina Jungle Guide) and @Caesars Show

Editing: Cleo Bunas / MAADS Studio

Soundtrack: Take A Boat Ride on the River ជិះទូកលេងតាមគង្គា ច្រៀងដោយ ប៊ុនធឿន និង​ ស៊ីវន (Chis touk leng tam kong kea) sung by Bun Thoeun and Sivan

© 2023 MAADS Hospitality Cambodia

Includes Road Access Points in Rainy and Dry Season (from Siem Reap, RAPRS) and 8 RTPS in TSBR area.

GPS: 13.3139, 103.40264.

Population: 50,000

Route from Battambang: 30 min by car (27 km), 5 hours by boat.

Route from Siem Reap: 30 min by car (30 km), 5 hours by boat.

Best cultural attractions are: Prey Chas village (500 families), Kampong Prahok (30 families), Bak Prea village (1000 families) and Wat Chheu Khmau (CTD_B2) at Chiveang village.

  • Phumi Chheu Khmau ភូមិឈើខ្ | GPS
  • Accessibility: DS by dirt road only MS by dirt road only WS
  • Activities:
  • Ecotourism Interest of Destination:
  • Phum Peam Seima ភូមិ ពាមសីមា | GPS
  • Accessibility: DS by dirt road or by boat ? | MS by dirt road or by boat | WS TK
  • Activities:
  • Ecotourism Interest of Destination:
  • Phum Bak Roteh ភូមិ បាក់រទេះ | GPS
  • Accessibility: DS | MS | RS TK
  • Activities: Kayak, Canoe
  • MeyChrey មេជ្រៃ Floating Village | GPS
  • Accessibility: DS by dirt road or by boat ? | MS by dirt road or by boat | WS TK
  • Activities:
  • Ecotourism Interest of Destination:
  • Kampong Phluk កំពង់ភ្លុក | GPS
  • Accessibility: DS by dirt road or by boat ? | MS by dirt road or by boat | WS TK
  • Activities:
  • Ecotourism Interest of Destination:
  • Kampong Khleang កំពង់ឃ្លាំង | GPS
  • Accessibility: DS by dirt road or by boat | MS by dirt road or by boat | WS TK
  • Activities:
  • Ecotourism Interest of Destination:

Based on MAADS earlier R&D projects of floating structures (Mekong Floating Bungalows (2015), Floatation (from 2019), Floating Jungloos (from 2017), ecotourism solution for potential land-water projects around Lake Tonle Sap.

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    Inspired by glamping philosophy, the novel art of dwelling in natural environment without disfiguring it. Roofing options: fabric, bamboo, or combination of…

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